A downloadable game

CORRE CAIMÁN is a game designed to help a2 level Spanish students practice the subjunctive conjugation. The game is about an alligator called Juan who is trapped in a zoo and the student/player must help the crocodile return home by completing maze levels and answering the right conjugated verbs. There is a total of ten levels, and they must avoid bumping into obstacles to return home successfully. The user plays through the mazes with the mouse. Overall, the game is a very fun and creative way to learn grammar.

Game Developers

Irene Valen

Victory Ojo

Conor Walsh

Judy nakchbandi


Corre Caimán.ppsx 14 MB
Corre Caimán.pdf 3.5 MB
Trailer Corre Caimán.mp4 141 MB

Install instructions

Download the presentation show (.ppsx) and you are able to play it.

the PDF version is the right answers in yellow to learn.

you can also download  MP4 Video version to watch

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